Will Rogers once said, “The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.”
Well, what then is the quickest way to TRIPLE your money?
In all seriousness, you need an investment that protects your capital, gives you cash flow, tax advantages, and appreciation.
Why put your money in a bank and let it earn half of 1% when you can put it in something like Rea Capital where your money is in real assets?
If you want a 3X return on your money, get involved with valuable multi-family properties that produce income every month.
I’ve spent the past twenty-five years working my tail off, taking my extra money and investing it into real estate.
I missed many things so I could earn extra money so I could invest in real estate and create a passive income stream. The goal was that my passive income would overtake and make more than my earned income.
Understanding the math of real estate and how to get your investment to multiply is fundamental.
One of the many factors to look at is what your IRR is.
An IRR is a metric used to estimate the profitability of a potential investment. This is then used to evaluate the attractiveness of a project or investment.
In real estate, specifically multi-family real estate that I invest in, I’m always looking for a huge IRR. In fact, an IRR of fifteen percent and higher (much higher sometimes) is absolutely possible.
But if the thought if doing all this real estate stuff is overwhelming to you, you’re not alone. It’s intimidating to do a real estate deal by yourself, that’s why so many people are joining me at Rea Capital—you can get a 3X return passively without trying to figure this stuff out on your own!
Most of those who have registered with ReaCapitalInc.com or call my weekly Real Estate show say, “I don’t have time to find deals, call brokers, negotiate purchase and sale agreements, hire lawyers, and manage tenants.” So, if that is you and you are interested, check out what we are doing here.
The offices of Rea Capital where our goal is to 3X your money
We only invest in apartments we are willing to hold for a period of 10 years or longer with the goal to 2X – 3X our investment.
Our deal size is $30 million to $200 million involving 200 to 1,000 units. We use debt on every deal whereby I arrange all debt based on my connections and reputation. I negotiate all the terms of purchase, sale, and debt, and am fully responsible, leaving investors with no exposure to the debt obligation. We typically use 50% to 75% debt leverage with a hold time that is discretionary, meaning we are not forced to sell in a bad market.
So, if you love real estate be sure to register at ReaCapitalInc.com. We will take investors on a first to register basis.