How I Raised $15 Million in 90 Minutes

People generally search for ways and tips on how to make a million dollars in real estate.

Back in early February, I raised $15 million in 90 minutes.

It was the largest group ofentrepreneur in the world and I had a big audience who trusted me, I had a product they wanted, I had been cultivating a relationship with these people through my social media for months — in some cases years — and I had everything arranged legally to raise the funds. Last, but certainly not least, I had an incredible offer.

$15,000,000 in 90 minutes.

What I did was combine 6 ingredients together, and it’s the same 6 ingredients you can use, to raise ANY amount of money in ANY amount of time.

Here they are, piece by piece:

#1 Have an Audience — You need an audience to tell your story to. No audience, no money.

#2 Be Trusted — No story will fly if people don’t trust you. Be transparent!

#3 Have a Product — You need a product that is easy to tell a story about. Is it something people like and want?

#4 Cultivate Relationships — You need to know people. People invest with people they know.

#5 Have Approval to Raise Funds — You need some sort of fund structure set up, something legal to make things official. For my product, I’m approved by the SEC.

#6 Give an Offer — You need a clear, concise offer that people understand so they can take immediate action.

Follow these 6 steps and you will be able to raise money.

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or what you’re raising money for, you need these 6 steps. For me, it’s real estate. And the bottom line is that no matter what you’re raising money for, you will raise money to the degree you think it’s a good thing! This is how to make money in real estate with no money really quickly.

If you want to learn more about joining me at Rea Capital with our fund offerings, explore this website — my team and I have more than enough information here for you to make a decision. Then you can also make millions in real estate.

Rea Capital Inc

With Rea Capital Inc, you won’t find complex deals or confusing structures. Our real estate investing funds are created through real value and great assets.

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